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Taking Measured Steps To Fight Assault Accusations

As the saying goes: “It’s not over until it’s over.” Being accused of a crime is not the same as being convicted. If you have received criminal assault charges, you have an opportunity to defend yourself — and your future — in court.

At McCormick & Vilushis LLC, we aim to give you hope during this difficult situation. Our skilled attorneys have over three decades of legal experience; we know how to approach assault cases in Pennsylvania. Call us for a free appointment at our Erie law firm to discuss your options.

Understand The Charges

When you hear the term “assault,” you might assume that it refers to a severe physical fight that leads to visible injuries. However, the legal definition covers many different scenarios.

In Pennsylvania, there are two types of assault charges: simple and aggravated. Simple assault charges could entail intentionally hurting someone else or making credible threats to cause serious injury — regardless of whether a physical altercation occurred. Aggravated assault typically involves more serious circumstances.

The stakes of assault cases are high, but our lawyers can represent you and protect your rights. Once we understand the charges and the specific claims of your case, we can form a plan for your defense.

Presenting And Refuting Evidence Could Help Your Case

We know the types of evidence that the prosecution is likely to bring against you. After previously serving as prosecutors, our attorneys now work on the other side of the courtroom to defend our clients. Through careful examination of the evidence, we may be able to impact the outcome of your case.

During your defense against assault charges, we may investigate many forms of evidence, such as:

  • Witness testimony, which we may cross-examine for accuracy
  • Video documenting the alleged attack, including factors that the video might not show
  • Medical records related to any alleged injuries and testimony from health care professionals

We may also argue that there is not enough strong evidence to support a conviction. Our attorneys can build a defense case that is unique to your situation.

Call Us For Steadfast Representation

You can do something about criminal charges; you can hire a skilled lawyer to protect your rights and help you navigate the justice system. At McCormick & Vilushis LLC, we are ready to counsel you. Call our office at 814-455-5362 or contact us online to make a prompt appointment.