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Obtaining Full Compensation For Catastrophic Injuries

Personal injury cases with severe injuries are especially complicated, and there is a lot at stake. Catastrophic injury cases require a skilled attorney who cares, and you’ll find that at McCormick & Vilushis LLC.

If your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence, it is important to seek assistance from an experienced personal injury lawyer. Catastrophic injuries can cause more than just physical harm and financial hardship — they often leave victims with emotional and mental burdens as well. We are dedicated to helping those with catastrophic injuries get the compensation they deserve.

What Is A Catastrophic Injury?

The most serious injuries, usually those that are life-threatening or life-altering, are considered catastrophic injuries. These types of injuries often involve:

  • Extended hospitalization
  • Permanent loss of a bodily function
  • Lifelong assistance with daily activities
  • Continued rehabilitative treatment

Our firm has handled cases with various catastrophic injuries, including amputation, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, traumatic brain injuries and scarring/disfigurement. If you are facing enormous medical bills and emotional hardships, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries and other damages.

Schedule A Free Consultation

After such a devastating injury, the last thing you need is added legal stress. At McCormick & Vilushis LLC, we handle every aspect of our clients’ cases so that they can focus on recovering. Call our Erie, Pennsylvania, office at 814-455-5362 or reach out online to schedule a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney.